Improve Your Home Flooring Surface
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The beginning of flooring is back to the years by ancient man, it has been related to comfort and decoration, nevertheless the advantages of home flooring become developed and the use is beyond decorations, flooring is important to kitchen and bathrooms also laundry rooms to prevent leakage, protect from stains and cracks depending to the material floorings are highlighted the attractiveness of the house, every part of the house can be covered with different types and styles of floorings in fact the covering of living room and the kitchen or bathroom is dissimilar, for instance it is not advisable to use wooden or carpet type floorings to kitchen or bathrooms because the high level of humidity and leakage around those areas it can damage the wooden type floorings easily. Hence when you think about the flooring you have to be selective of the type of the materials in addition know well which type of material can be more important for which function, because there are a lot choices and availabilities to flooring your house, commonly people use wood flooring, terrazzo, vinyl flooring, ceramics, tiles, laminate stone and carpet floorings, most of them can used to cover the surface of the house with providing attractive look and long lasting service except the person wants to replace them to other style, these flooring materials also use to almost every buildings, offices public places and so on, we will see some of the flooring materials their advantage, disadvantage, which type of material is more useful to which room and how can we take care and keep them look elegant in addition effective cleaning methods as follows,
Wooden flooring
Wooden flooring is very popular and graceful flooring type and it has two main types and different classifications the main two types are engineered or synthetic lumber and solid wood or natural lumber, solid or natural flooring is typically made from genuine hard wood and it includes bamboo flooring, oak, cork, maple and pine types it has an elegant natural look and never been out of fashion since it has started to be used, if it is well cared it can provide long lasting service with eye-catching look, more of preferable for living room and bedrooms because they don’t resist moisture and heavy loads, in addition wooden flooring has warm character than stone or marble floorings they are also comfortable and increase value for home in the other hand of wooden flooring which is known as Engineered includes laminate, vinyl and parquet flooring which has a layer on the top of the wood and the layer makes it more durable and better resistant of damage than the solid wood type they can be useable almost over the house, both natural and the engineered floorings are easy to clean and can be shown shiny appearance, cleaning properly might have contribution to the sustainability and attractiveness, use a dust mop without too much liquids and use particularly wood cleaning product and spray more than deep vacuuming to remove dirt. Wooden type floorings are expensive, especially the natural wood has high price more than the all types.
Terrazzo flooring
It the most sustainable and pressure resistant type of flooring because it’s a combination of materials that’s durable and resistance of damages literally it is mixture of marble chips, granite quartz and so on with speckled texture, terrazzo flooring is adaptable, durable and offer variety of designs with impressive colors, it is widely use in outdoor and inside house buildings, commercial centers, hotels, and public area in the house installing it will be more important to use it for kitchen and countertops. Terrazzo can be sealed with two kind of resin system which makes it absorbent, resistant for mold and sturdy base epoxy matrix and cement matrix, epoxy matrix is very fast to dry on the installation system; in addition it offers slim and level binding on the surface and elegant look cement sealed also strong base and can be used for internal and external installation it needs more time to dry than epoxy sealed system. Terrazzo flooring is very resistant of damages, stains, chemicals, fire and so on; more over it is very easy to clean, and shiny look, terrazzo can be clean more glossy look with diamond grinding, honing, crystallization and polishing method, some type of floor polishes contain Ethyl Acrylate which provides shiny appearance to the floor, the care we do to the floorings provide protection from damage and ensure the durability of the material.
Vinyl flooring
Vinyl is popular flooring type with different style and design for interior use; it has durable character wet resistant and damage resistant, they made up of synthetic fiberglass, so whatever is there number of people in the room it has strength to resist and the right option for such areas, it has three types and they are: luxury vinyl planks, luxury vinyl tile and sheet vinyl, the importance of the vinyl flooring is many, it is very comfortable to walk provide warm when walking, good looking designs and attractive colors, it is easily installed in addition better to easy cleaning with detergents and other cleaning chemicals it is also affordable.
Laminate flooring
It is an engineered synthetic layer type of flooring, which is designed to look similar with wood and stone it is inexpensive, easy to install and clean, more it is applicable for interiors specifically for living rooms, it has feeling like real wood or stone and attractive look in the house, in addition like the other flooring materials it has long lasting character and resistance for scratches, moisture and other damages however if laminating floorings once get damaged it will not be replaced, it can be cleaned with water and cleaning agents and it offers glossy surface look .
As we said in the top covering the ground surface of the house provides plenty advantages, comfort, luxury, attractiveness, safety and many more, there are also lot of flooring types not listed hear, the important point is choose and deal with the right product, that will let us to be more beneficiaries with the durability, strength, beauty and graceful look of our house.