How To Charge Your Battery At An Rv Camping Site

How to Charge Your Battery at an RV Camping Site



What can be the best way to go camping than to have your RV with you! This travel trailer give you the comfort and all the necessities you might need while you are enjoying camping and taking pleasure of the scenery that surround you.


Your RV can provide you with source of electricity that allows you to enjoy camping without compromising the comfort that you get from home. If you are in a camping site, make sure you that know how to charge your RV trailer battery. If you do not know how, it can cause you problems once your battery starts losing power. What are the things you should not forget to avoid difficulties in charging your RV BATTERY? Even though lot campsites for traveler trailer are equipped with charging station for batteries, it will be best to not forget your battery adapter. This is to ensure you that in case the camping site does not have a charging cable available; you will still be able to charge your trailer’s battery. Also, you must be knowledgeable of the amp requirement of your RV battery. In this way you will know how much power your battery needs and the right plug connectors to be used. How to charge your battery at an RV champing site? 1. First thing you have to do is to unplug all appliances or devices that are using the power of your trailer’s battery before charging. This is a must so please do not forget this. 2. Protect yourself with gloves when charging the battery of your RV since there might some acids in the battery that can harm your skin. Once your hands are fully protected check if there’s a battery acid on the lead plates. Mix the baking soda and the water and clean it up. 3. You need to put distilled water on the battery. All you have to do is to release the cap where the water is placed and look closely to ensure that you only fill the battery’s line capacity. Once you have successfully put water in, just put the cap back on. 4. Now it’s time for clamming, do not forget that the red should go to the positive and the black should go to the negative. You must be careful not to make a mistake on this. Plug the adapter and select the right amount of amp for your battery. To make sure that you charged your battery 100%, there are some adapter devices indicates this. 5. Once the battery is charged you need to again unplug all the appliances and devises. Check the adapter and see the LED light which is your signal that the charging is already done. If you see the charging is done then you can start unplugging all the charging cables. A lot of people might think that charging a trailer’s battery is complex but actually it is just as simple as the steps above. RV Cover

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How to Charge Your Battery at an RV Camping Site