Website Maintenance Content Management On The Website

Submitted by: Cenango Webdesign

Website Maintenance- Content Management on the Website (Powered by )

One of the most important elements of having a website is content management. The content of a website is the one thing that can either make or break the success that it has. People come to websites to gather information, to learn about companies and products, and to find what they are looking for. If you don t provide them with the content that allows them to do this, they ll go somewhere else. It s that simple.

How do you successfully create the best content for a website? Here are a few tips:


Plan, and plan well. What do you want on the website? Think about every aspect that might fit well, because if you don t know in advance what you are trying to accomplish you could spend eternity updating the content until it is just right. If you ve already created the pages for things that will come later, or areas where more content can easily be inserted, you will find it simple to manage and update content. If you don t plan ahead, you will likely have difficulty when it comes to adding new content or updating things.

Organize the content. Divide everything up by topic or logical group. In the web design industry, these groups are referred to as chunks. You might have the best website design on the entire internet, but if the content isn t organized your efforts will be wasted. Chunks need to be able to stand apart from each other. Each section of a website ( about , products and services , etc.) needs to be able to be a coherent piece that can be appreciated on its own.

If you have larger groups that need broken down further, you should simply break them down within the pages to create sub-pages. An example of this would be creating a page for informational articles, and then making each article a sub-page. Try to keep your sections small. A good rule of thumb is to have about 5-7 larger chunks and to limit the sub-chunks as much as possible. Content management is critical because you want to make sure that all the content is easy to access so that it can be found. Having 25 great articles on your topic or business is worthless if the pages are so buried that users can t get to them in less than 5 clicks. A good goal is to make every page on the website accessible in less than 3 clicks.

Other Elements of Content Managing

When you are designing a website, there is a lot to think about. However, taking content management seriously will allow you to have a better grasp on the website as a whole. When you plan the design well and you plan the content well, the rest will usually fall into place. When outsourcing your content management, make sure that you choose a manager who understands the accessibility factor and makes sure that the website content will be exactly what you want it to be. As long as your focus is on careful planning and organization, everything should work out in favor of the website s success and accessibility.

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