Cpap Masks What Are Cpap Masks And How Do They Stop Snoring?

By John Spencer

CPAP masks, an acronym for continuous positive airway pressure, are one of the most widely used therapeutic interventions for sleep apnea. Those who wear the masks deal with a device that uses a controlled air compressor to generate and air stream at a constant pressure, preventing the apneas from occurring. The pressure used varies among patients, and depends on the results of an overnight examination where the breathing is constantly monitored. Prescribed by physicians, most insurance policies cover the treatment and the actual cost to the patient can be nonexistent. The downside of CPAP masks is that they can be uncomfortable to wear. As a result, patients who need to wear them on a regular basis may be less inclined to do so.

Fortunately, there have been several advancements in the world of CPAP masks. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA), new masks are being developed that reduce the pressure upon exhalation. This makes the masks more comfortable, and treatment is less likely to be rejected by the patient. It is imperative that the masks fit well, as the masks are only effective when there is a seal that doesn’t enable air to slip through. To make sure the seal is correct, the straps that go around the head must be properly fitted, not too loose or too tight.


Triangular CPAP masks completely enclose the nose and mouth, and come in different styles that patients can choose from. Depending on whether or not you breathe through your mouth at night, there are some masks available that only enclose the nose. The straps that go around the head gear portion of the mask are easy to adjust, but are snug enough that the mask will move around with you as you toss and turn at night. Patented quick release straps make putting on and taking off the mask a breeze.

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